You call that great?
Is great work the goal? Everyone seems to be doing it. Or so they say.
Shouldn’t the goal be to do the work that accomplishes the goal?
Why settle for great when the work could be game-changing.
And was that book you just read really great?
Or was it so absorbing and original that you forgot to eat the rest of your lunch?
Then why didn’t you say so? That’s a book I’d like to read.
I have a great idea! Unless of course, you had the same idea.
Then maybe it was just a good idea or the right way to approach the problem.
Great ideas are so seldom as great as we say they are. Are they?
I’m looking for a bold idea. Maybe even a crazy idea. Those are harder to come by.
If great is all you can say about something, it probably isn’t really that great, is it?
Or awesome. Or amazing.
If great is all you can say about something, it probably isn’t really that great, is it?
Or awesome. Or amazing.
What if something is even better than great, but you’re selling it as simply great?
Then you’re selling yourself short. You’re not thinking hard enough.
Or caring hard enough.
Sometimes the work is ambitious, thoughtful, revolutionary, or inventive.
Some things are exquisite, inviting, majestic, and built-to-last.
These things are so much better than great.
We need more of those things.
That would be great.
This post was originally published on Medium on May 17, 2018.