SparksFly is a freelance copywriting and content development firm built on the belief that what you say only matters if it matters to your customer.
I help B2B and B2C companies effectively communicate the solutions to their customers' problems.
Writing copy is hard.
It’s more than just choosing the right words. It’s finding the right message for your unique audience.
Knowing what they need to hear and saying it in a way that makes them act.
For you, it might be a homepage headline that confidently affirms your visitor’s hopes and dreams.
Or a “Look who’s here!”” trade show banner that tells your customers you’re happy to see them.
Maybe it’s a six-word gut check that makes them pick up the phone or get out their credit card.
Maybe you need a copywriter.
Content comes in paragraphs.
Sometimes even in pages that your prospects will download, share, or pick-up and read in your lobby.
The best content begins with a clear understanding of your audience.
It tells a compelling story, makes a strong case, or fulfills a goal—their goal, not yours.
Reading content is never the audience’s goal. Producing content shouldn’t be yours.
Your goal should be to write something that helps them meet their goal.
Or find someone to write it for you.
Here’s a test.
Copy and paste some of the copy
from your website into a document.
Remove your logo, name, and product names. Use only the words.
Now do the same for two of your competitors.
Print those babies out and see if your employees can tell which one is you.
Your brand voice is how your customers recognize you. Your brand message is how they relate to you.
Both, when consistent, build trust.
Lost your voice? We can find it.
129 days. That’s how long it took for two of us to plan, design, develop, write, edit, proof, post and then, quite unceremoniously, at 8:06 in the evening, launch Most of those “days” were evenings and weekends. During the day, we were doing our “real jobs”. Launching a small business, pitching that business, creating […]
Is great work the goal? Everyone seems to be doing it. Or so they say. Shouldn’t the goal be to do the work that accomplishes the goal? Why settle for great when the work could be game-changing. And was that book you just read really great? Or was it so absorbing and original that you […]